Gobe Filters, developed by creators for creators
Just before the 6 Hours of Bahrain I started a collaboration with Gobe Filters, and I am very happy to report that I am very happy with the results see from using their filters on my cameras during the race weekend.

They offer a range of filter kits and adaptors, ranging from a variable ND filter to star point filters!
All the images over the weekend were shot with a UV filter attached, along with the 6 point star filter for the below shot of the 919.

Whats more, for every filter kit sold, Gobe will plant 5 trees! how cool is that - from Gobe "As photographers, the inspiration we draw from nature drives us to build a sustainable business. Continuing to develop ways of reducing our environmental footprint, we now plant trees with every purchase. By choosing Gobe, we enable you, our customer, to help restore a damaged ecosystem." Find out more here- mygobe.com